Friday, August 12, 2011

Like Finding A Needle In A Haystack

Today I spent the day with family where they were staying.  I went into a couple stores, went into their hotel/suite, and walked through parking lots and a parking garage....then happened to look at my wedding ring and notice the gem was missing.  I was upset, I love my ring!  I knew I would never be able to find a tiny little gem so was thinking of places to go to get a new gem put in. 

Then I had this thought come into my mind to look inside the diaper bag.  That it probably fell out when I was getting a bottle or diaper.  I picked up the diaper bag and looked inside, lifted up the formula can and lo and behold there the gem was...resting on the bottom of the bag.

What an amazing miracle!  What are the chances of that happening!?!? 

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