Monday, June 20, 2011

A Difficult Day

Some days are just hard days.  It doesn't have to even be big things to happen to make it a hard day.  Just a bunch of small things strung throughout the day can do it.  Today is one of those days.  The two older kids keep arguing with each other and arguing with us.  And this is just the first day of summer vacation!  It can be difficult to find good in days like this.  Then I look at my 10 week old baby and I feel happiness.

She has the most beautiful smile that is contagious.  Just one smile from her can brighten my day.  Then add in the cute coos, babbling, and excited squeals and that makes it even better.  She doesn't talk rude, she doesn't complain, she doesn't argue with her sisters... Holding her and seeing her smile gives me that much needed lift to get me through the rest of the day.

Don't get me wrong, my other two kids bring me happiness too.  I love them all very much.  Just on days like today when they are causing much stress, I have to take solace in holding my baby.  It not only makes me happier by seeing her, but it reminds me of my older two when they were this age. 

Just now, while typing this, E (my 4 year old) came in.  She smiled sweetly at me and said, "I love you.  I love you SOOO much!"  Hearing those words from my child melt away the stress even more. 

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to finding solace in the little one! I'm the same way some days with Corbin. Sometimes I even seek him out, because I know he will brighten my mood & bring some perspective when I am frustrated. There is something about a baby's innocence when the older siblings "know better" that somehow helps me.
