Monday, July 25, 2011

Mommy's Girl

Today I was reading to E (my 4 year old).  One of the books she asked me to read was "Dumbo."  It was new so she had never heard the story before and has never seen the cartoon.  While reading it to her, she clung onto my arm and laid her head against me.  When I was done reading the story, I looked down and saw tears in her eyes.

I asked her if she was crying.  She wiped her eye and said, "No, it's just water..."  I told her that it is ok if she was crying.  She nodded her head.  I had to prod her to find out why she was crying.  In the story, Dumbo's mom was taken away and locked up.  He wasn't able to see her or have her rock him to sleep in her trunk any more.  That made E so sad.  After her telling me this, it made sense why she clung to me during the story.

It was sad, but sweet at the same time.  She normally doesn't cry when it comes to things happening in movies or books.  She has such a fear of being away from me though, so I am sure that is why this book brought on tears.

I am so grateful that I get to be a stay at home mom.  I am glad that she can have that bonding time with me that she needs.  Seeing how this book affected her emotions made me feel even more blessed to be able to be home with the kids. 

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